This time,I want to express my frustration on a farming village called Kuttanadu,which is in Central Kerala,India.
Paddy is the main crop over there and most of the families in that place depend on the paddy production for their livelihood.This year,a very sad incident happened.
The farmers who had their paddy which was due to be reaped got sunk in the unexpected rains in that part and the local political leaders of that place boycotted using machinery to expedite the harvest.Ultimately many farmers lost their crop which has lead to the suicide of 4 poor farmers.
For the State Government,this issue does not seem a big deal,but for the poor farmers who got victimised with Globalisation and economic emergence,that happens in India,there is nothing to compensate................
Paddy is the main crop over there and most of the families in that place depend on the paddy production for their livelihood.This year,a very sad incident happened.
The farmers who had their paddy which was due to be reaped got sunk in the unexpected rains in that part and the local political leaders of that place boycotted using machinery to expedite the harvest.Ultimately many farmers lost their crop which has lead to the suicide of 4 poor farmers.
For the State Government,this issue does not seem a big deal,but for the poor farmers who got victimised with Globalisation and economic emergence,that happens in India,there is nothing to compensate................