Onam days are one of the most common times during the year that gives me nostalgic feelings and home sickness. Even though I have spent enough days at home during the Onam, still I long towards being home and enjoying the home made dishes during these days.
Onam is becoming more popular with the Onam celebrations being organized by all the native organizations that are all over the world. Wherever there are Malayalees, the serene memories of Onam paves the stimulation for them to be together to compensate for the missing friends and family.
I appreciate the television channels for incorporating the Onam rituals during these days which helps to cherish those memories by watching the programs. It is sad to say that these festivals are giving a huge spur for marketing multinational products with attractive offers than creating awareness among the younger generation to revitalize the brotherhood and secularity which were hallmarks of this society during the olden days. This demeanor the whole meaning of this harvest festival where people are considered equal and same and everybody lived in happiness. The situation existing today, sky rocketing food prices, bogus relationships, rivalry and hatred in the name of race, religion, and status which exists in the society. Can we curtail these unhealthy practices? This happens only if each of us takes the initiative and works towards upholding the old traditions and values. Rather than making a festival to celebrate, let us make it an occasion to forget all our misunderstandings and inequalities and live in harmony and happiness. I wish all my blogger readers "Happy Onam"