There is no point in writing about this topic in English, but as this is the most read language all over the world and most of the Malayalees around the world can be reached by this language, please excuse me for using English to discuss about this topic.
It has been 53 years since the formation of Kerala state. The state has grown to be have a lot of laureates among the other states in these years. We were the first state to have a government lead by Communist party in 1957. Kerala was the first state in the country to have a 100% literacy. A large number of government projects that were implemented through out the country in the later years found their beginning in this small state on the southern tip of the country.
The state has been the home of many revolutionaries who has played a significant role in the building of the constitution and upholding the name of the country around the world. The literary works and the art forms of this state has attracted scholars from different continent surrounding the world. The people of this state were proud to speak and learn their language and the literary works produced in this language are still considered as world class classics around the world.
With globalization and rapid economic growth that is going on globally, their impact has also started shown reflections in this small state. The values, traditions and culture that has been followed by the malayalees are showing transformation or rather to be called mutation in genetic terms. It is not very hard to find a malayalee in Kerala who cannot read Malayalam. I can see that it is not too far away in this state to find people who cannot speak malayalam. The after effects of this is, one of the traditional language that has roots to the prehistoric times are slowly fading from this earth. It may not be a wonder that in the next 500 years, this language may not be existing. The same tragedy happened to Sanskrit or pali can also happen to this langage also and there will may no be anybody to worry about this.
Can each one of the proud citizens of India who live in Kerala think of upholding the value of their language and passing it on to the younger generation. If each one of us take an effort to teach their children the value of this language and encourage them to learn malayalam, this language will exist through the coming generations which will create them awareness regarding their rich heritage and tradition

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