Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Natural disasters…. Am I exempt??????

The news of the massive destruction in Chile happened not too long before the world has witnessed the shock of the massive destruction from the earthquakes in Haiti. The death toll in Haiti has risen up to 3, 00,000 when the rates in Chile has topped to 400 now, and the numbers are increasing on a steady basis. There are many small natural disasters occurring at the same time as the landslides in Uganda where more than 100 people have lost their life. There may be others where the numbers are less than a 100 or less than 50 which go unnoticed. We are getting on to a time where the main pages of the news reels are filled with disasters that are caused due to natural reasons or the human involvement that has created an imbalance in the nature.

When I talk to some of the elders now a days, they tell me that they don’t listen to the news or read the newspapers. The reason which they told is genuine. The newspapers today carry news of all the cheating that one does to the other, between countries, between families, between partners, and even between brothers and sisters. The other main news are the destruction of mankind due to suicide, dangerous accidents, or natural disasters. There is nothing in the news that brings in happiness. Once upon a time, the stock market news used to bring happiness in some families that has invested their savings wisely, but they are also in the same route as the other news for more than a year now in this country.
The true fact is that there are no restrictions for a catastrophe to happen in this world. These disasters are not limited to any country or region based on race, color, creed, religion or political affiliation. They do not have any time intervals. We are all succumbed to be the victims of these disasters today or tomorrow. Each of us should accept the fact that there is nobody exempt from these tragic episodes on this earth.

The people who had lost their existence in these incidents also had dreams in their life, huge list of things to be completed soon, and limited time to help their fellows, or to listen to other’s sorrows, because of the hastiness in their life. But they all have been sucked into the massive graves of this earth, and they do not want to be worried or tensed by thinking of their incomplete assignments or unaccomplished dreams anymore now.
These are the timings to show our solidarity to our brothers and sisters in unknown places of the world. Let us all hold hands together to help those victims who are suffering, and show our universal fraternity of brotherhood, without thinking of the inequalities that has exited till the yesterday.

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